Porque los Francmasones controlan los medios, no comprendemos la calamidad que ha tocado la humanidad. A través de los siglos, solo el Catolicismo ha reconocido que la Francmasoneríe es del Satanismo y han mené une vaillante aunque infructuosa acción de retaguardia. Con este motivo, traemos la traducción de la conferencia «La Papauté et la Franc Maçonnerie», pronunciada por Monseñor Ernest Jouin el 8 de Diciembre de 1930. Mons. Jouin fue autor de Théocratie Occulte y prologuista de una edición de Les Protocoles des Sages de Sion.
Porque los Francmasones controlan los medios, no comprendemos la calamidad que ha tocado la humanidad. A través de los siglos, solo el Catolicismo ha reconocido que la Francmasoneríe es del Satanismo y han mené une vaillante aunque infructuosa acción de retaguardia. Con este motivo, traemos la traducción de la conferencia «La Papauté et la Franc Maçonnerie», pronunciada por Monseñor Ernest Jouin el 8 de Diciembre de 1930. Mons. Jouin fue autor de Théocratie Occulte y prologuista de una edición de Les Protocoles des Sages de Sion.
El Papado y la Francmasonería, esos son los dos poderes activos alrededor del mundo, y cada uno está buscando dominarlo. La solución de la lucha que toma lugar entre ellos es de suma importancia en el momento presente, porque estamos enfrentando no solamente las encrucijadas de la historia sino también una transformación radical de la humanidad en sí misma. O el Catolicismo romano nos eleva nuevamente al nivel de la Civilización Cristiana, o la Judeo-masonería nos hunde en el camino de la barbarie y el paganismo decadente. El mundo entero oscila entre los dos; Cristianismo y Paganismo. El 8 de Diciembre de 1892, el Papa León XIII escribió a la Jerarquía episcopal Italiana: «Es necesario combatir a la Francmasonería con esas armas de la fe divina que en eras pasadas derrotaron al paganismo».
Además, el Papado y la Judeo-masonería son tan plenamente conscientes de los partidos diametralmente opuestos que ellos asumen que de esto debe surgir el futuro político, económico, intelectual y religioso de los individuos y de las naciones. Es un hecho y la mejor prueba de esto es su irreducible antagonismo entre sí.
¿Qué es, de hecho, la Judeo-masonería hoy sino la concentración y la movilización de todas las fuerzas del mal? Esta Secta con su triple afirmación de ser Contra-Iglesia (contra la Iglesia),
Contra-Estado (contra el Estado) y Contra-Moral (contra la moral tradicional) blasona ser por encima de todo y para todos los tiempos el enemigo de la Iglesia Católica; una de sus mejores llamados es el de
Tigrotto, uno de los jefes de la Alta Véndita que, en 1822, proclamó: «El Catolicismo debe ser destruido en todo el mundo». Con
Tigrotto también el plan anticatólico es expresado así: «Conspiremos solamente contra Roma». ¿No es esto expresado en una forma idéntica en el Alemán «Los Von Rom» (Fuera de Roma) o en el Inglés: «No Popery» (No al Papismo)?
Monseñor Charles-Louis Gay, habiéndole sido asignado por el Concilio Vaticano el deber de escribir un «Memorando sobre las Sociedades Secretas», dio la siguiente definición notable de la Francmasonería:
«Es evidente que en un sentido general, esta doctrina de la Francmasonería no solamente es una herejía, ni siquiera la todalidad de todas las herejías, que encuentran en ella un puerto; es un hecho que la Masonería va más allá de los límites constitutivos de lo que generalmente se circunscribe a la palabra “herejía”, por eso permite jugar plenamente la comisión de la perversión indignante. La Francmasonería es de hecho el abismo de todos los errores, el pozo de perdición».
Este abismo de todos los errores (Abýssus Errórum) es justamente comparado al “pozo abismal” mencionado en el Apocalipsis (abýssus pútei,
cap. IX, 1-3), cuyas emanaciones oscurecen la luz del sol y envenenan el aire. Es esta Secta maldita cuya perversión fue estigmatizada por el Papa Pío IX cuando la llamó «la Sinagoga de Satanás». Debido a su enorme extensión y su muy visible colusión hodierna con la Finanza Judía Internacional, la Francmasonería se ha convertido de hecho en la «Sinagoga de Satanás». Como tal, ha provisto fondos para la Revolución Rusa instalada en Moscú, ha llevado el Comunismo de Oriente a Occidente, tomado el liderazgo de los gobiernos de los Estados, sus distintos departamentos administrativos o ministerios, y de sus parlamentos y, en consecuencia, es tal poder mundial que para cualquier mente pensante, parece que, hoy, hay en la tierra solamente dos grandes poderes, a saber: la Judeo-masonería al servicio de la Judería mundial, y la Iglesia en las manos del sucesor de San Pedro. Estos dos poderes están en guerra, frente a frente como si pensaran luchar un duelo interminable, como claramente lo expresa la inscripción en piedra de del Gran Oriente Masónico y Consejo Supremo de Francia: «La lucha que tiene lugar entre el Catolicismo y la Francmasonería es una lucha a muerte, sin tregua ni misericordia» (Boletín del Gran Oriente de Francia 1892,
pág. 183, y en el memorando No. 85 del Consejo Supremo, página 48).
Con tan notoria línea de acción, uno puede positivamente afirmar que la Judeo-masonería es el único enemigo de la Iglesia. Ello puede ser detectado en todos los ataques anticatólicos conducidos por los Francmasones o incluso por Católicos cuya fe ha decrecido debido al temor, la pasión o sus propios intereses, contra clérigos o laicos.
En su encíclica “Humánum Genus”, el Papa León XIII escribió: «Hay varias sectas que, si bien diferentes en nombre, ritos, forma y origen, unidas entre sí por cierta comunión de propósitos y afinidad entre sus opiniones capitales, concuerdan de hecho con la secta masónica, especie de centro de donde todas salen y adonde vuelven». Además, en su carta al pueblo Italiano fechada a 8 de Diciembre de 1892, el Papa León XIII escribe: «Recordemos que la Cristiandad y la Francmasonería son esencialmente incompatibles, a tal punto que unirse con una significa divorciarse de la otra. Por tanto, exxpongamos a la Francmasonería como enemiga de Dios, de la Iglesia y de nuestra Patria».
En el momento presente (1930), es un hecho que las dos ciudades de San Agustín, la Ciudad del Bien y la Ciudad del Mal están separadas, buscando cada una gobernar el mundo. La Ciudad del Mal gobernada por Satanás es llamada Judeo-masonería, que proclama insistentemente a todos, Católicos, Protestantes, Ortodoxos, a los Librepensadores, Comunistas y Paganos (de hecho, a todo el mundo) que: «Luchar contra el Papado es una necesidad social y constituye el deber constante de la Francmasonería»
(Congreso Internacional Masónico realizado en Bruselas en 1904, página 132 del informe). La Ciudad de Dios y de Jesucristo es la Iglesia Católica, que por más de 19 siglos, según la enseñanza del Romano Pontífice, Ella repite al mundo su credo inmutable: «Creo en Una, Santa, Católica y Apostólica Iglesia».
Tal es el asunto de mi conferencia. Desde un punto de vista general, presentaría una sólida apreciación de las obras que algunos Papas hicieron con respecto a la Secta de la Francmasonería desde el tiempo en que aparición en el siglo XVIII. Se mostraron sus actividades anti-religiosas y anti-sociales, como también su licenciosidad y sus objetivos que, desde el comienzo, fueron sospechosas de excomunión. Se mostró también su prodigioso desarrollo llevando a la situación que ya hoy esbozo, nominativamente, la dualidad de fuerzas: una, las fuerzas del mal, las fuerzas del mal concentradas en la Judeo-masonería; y la otra, las fuerzas del bien, concentrada en un rebaño bajo el báculo del único pastor (representante de Jesucristo) quien, desde 1738 ha constantemente renovado el llamado a la defensa de la Iglesia contra Su enemigo mortal (incluso cuando en muchas ocasiones el llamado fuera inútil).
Rodeada por Guetos y Logias Masónicas, en el curso de una lucha que ha devenido en universal, los Papas han reiterado su llamado a la defensa, y han mostrado claramente el lugar y el deber de los Católicos (todo tan frecuentemente el el lugar ha sido dejado abandonado y el deber ha sido traicionado en una forma vergonzosa). Sin embargo, incluso si en nuestro tiempo somos testigos de la confirmación terrible de estas verdades, es necesario recordar que fueron proclamadas por distintos Papas.
Fundada en 1717, la Masonería especulativa moderna tomó su forma actual siguiendo la publicación por James Anderson, un clérigo anglicano, de las “Constituciones” en 1723. Quince años después, el 28 de Abril de 1738, el Papa
Clemente XII en su Constitución Pontificia “In Eminénti”
condenó la Francmasonería como ser Contra-Iglesia y Contra-Estado. Esta fue la réplica Pontificia. El rechazo a atenderla, parcial o general, por la Iglesia y el Estado de esos tiempos, parécenos la causa primordial de todas nuestras tormentas políticas y religiosas del presente.
Así decía el Papa Clement XII:
- «Reflexionando nosotros sobre los grandes males que ordinariamente resultan de esta clase de asociaciones o conventículos, no solamente para la tranquilidad de los estados temporales, sino también para la salud de las almas, y que por este motivo de ningún modo pueden estar en armonía con las leyes civiles y canónicas».
- «Para cerrar el camino muy ancho que de ahí podría abrirse a las iniquidades, y que se cometerían impunemente, y por otras causas justas y razonables conocidas de Nos... hemos concluido y decretado condenar y prohibir estas dichas sociedades, asambleas, reuniones, agregaciones o conventículos llamados de francmasones, o conocidos bajo cualquiera otra denominación, como Nos los condenamos, los prohibimos por Nuestra presente Constitución valedera para siempre».
La condenación por el Papa Clemente XII no solamente se extiende a las Sectas Masónicas, sino que se aplica también a todos los laicos que, aunque no sean miembros de las Sociedades llamadas Francmasónicas,
las favorecen de cualquier manera, así:
«Nosotros les ordenamos en absoluto que se abstengan enteramente de estas clases de sociedades [...], esto bajo pena de excomunión en que incurren todos contraviniendo como arriba queda dicho, por el hecho y sin otra declaración de la que nadie puede recibir el beneficio de la absolución por otro sino por Nos o por el Pontífice romano que entonces exista, a no ser en el artículo de la muerte».
La Constitución “In Eminénti” fue propagada por todos los Estados Papales por el Edicto del Cardenal Giuseppe Firrao del 14 de Enero de 1739.
El Papa Benedicto XIV, el 16 de Marzo de 1751 publicó la Constitución “Próvidas”, en la cual inserta en su totalidad In Eminénti, la Bula que había sido escrita por su predecesor Clemente XII, para hacer más evidente que la condenación de la Francmasonería era
irrevocable y que sería aplicada para el futuro tan bien como en el presente.
Como materia fáctica, Benedicto XIV ya había denunciado a la Masonería como Contra-Moral en conexidad con la Orden de la Felicidad (Ordre de la Félicité) de Aviñón, una sociedad secreta de libertinos; entre sí los miembros de esta sociedad hablaban solamente en un tipo de lenguaje jergal usualmente usado por los marineros. El Papa lo menciona dos veces en su correspondencia. Aquí transcribo unas pocas líneas de su carta del 25 de Marzo de 1744, dirigida al Cardenal Pierre Guérin de Tencin, que era el Embajador Pontificio en la Corte del Rey Luis XV:
«Hemos recibido de Aviñón la noticia de que en Nimes y también en Montpellier los Francmasones dieron un gran entretenimiento a fin de ganar prosélitos. Mujeres y hombres de la Sociedad de Aviñón fueron allí e, indudablemente, a su regreso organizarán una Logia Francmasónica como ya una vez habían intentado bajo el nombre de la Sociedad de la Felicidad; ellos hubieran tenido éxito si no fuera por el celo del Arzobispo. Deseamos que le protestes esto, en Nuestro nombre, a Su Majestad Cristianísima, para que no autorice en Sus estados la Secta de los Francmasones, que otros Príncipes han extirpado de sus propios países». (De la correspondencia del Papa Benedicto XIV por Émile de Heeckeren).
Además, en su Constitución “Próvidas”,
Benedicto XIV enumera seis razones que llevaron al Papa Clemente XII a atacar las sociedades secretas, las cuales son:
- el Interconfesionalismo (o interfé) de los Francmasones;
- su secreto;
- su juramento;
- su oposición a la Iglesia y el Estado;
- el entredicho pronunciado en varios Estados por los Jefes de tales países; y
- su inmoralidad, que el Papa caracteriza así:«Las dichas sociedades y agregaciones tienen mala reputación cerca de los hombres prudentes y honrados, y a juicio de éstos nadie se alista en ellas sin haber incurrido en nota de vicio y perversidad».
Desde el comienzo, antes del siglo XVIII, bajo los esfuerzos de la Francmasonería que nos hundió en los horrores de la Revolución Francesa, la Secta ha sido desenmascarada por los Papas y expuesta ante los ojos de los Católicos con su odiosa triple vergüenza de Contra-Moral, Contra-Estado, y Contra-Iglesia. Dejemos que un Francmasón, H∴ Charles-Mathieu Limousin, en el primer número de su Revista Masónica llamada “L’ACACIA” de Octubre de 1902, usando el seudónimo de Hiram, da la siguiente definición característica:
«La Francmasonería es una asociación... una institución... como se dijo... pero no es eso totalmente. Quitémonos los velos, arriesgándonos incluso a evocar innumerables protestas. La Francmasonería es una iglesia: Es la Contra-Iglesia, Contra-Catolicismo: Es la otra iglesia, la iglesia de la herejía, del librepensamiento; la Iglesia Católica es considerada como la iglesia arquetipo, la primera iglesia, iglesia del dogmatismo y de la ortodoxia».
I wish to add that during the 18th century Pope Clement
XIII condemned highly placed Masons in an ordinance of January, 1759,
against the work of Helvetius and this Pope published on Sept. 3rd,
1759, his constitution "Ut Primum" directed against the "Encyclopedie" of Diderot and d'Alembert .
Finally, in his Encyclical of November 25th, 1766, "Christianæ Republicæ Salus,"
Pope Clement XIII denounced the peril incurred by Church and State
through the published works of so-called philosophers. It meant that all
Voltairian and Masonic works were being anathemized in the following
- "The enemy of all Good," said the Pope, "has sown the evil seed in the field of the Lord and the evil grain has grown rapidly, to such an extent, that it threatens to destroy the harvest. It is time to cut it down."
- "In our days nothing is free from the attacks of those who are impious. God Himself becomes the object of their insolent audacity, they represent Him as a being who is mute, inert, devoid of a sense of providence or justice; they lower Him down to the level of animals. As far as they are concerned, matter is all or at least dominates everything. Even those among them who are opposed to such gross errors, but too frequently in our days, are not afraid, in their pride, to scrutinize our mysteries and to submit everything to nothing but their own reasoning power."
Clement XIII exposes all the sores of Masonry which at
the time of the French Revolution had reached the state of gangrene,
such as Materialism, Nationalism, Deism and even Atheism which is most
imperfectly veiled by the "Grand Architect of the Universe," a notion
which, after all, is only the spontaneous evolution of the universal
religion promised in the "Constitutions" of Anderson.
In a last but anxious appeal the Pope entreats all the
Bishops in the Catholic world to link their efforts with his own and to
beseech all Christian Princes to take in hand the defense of the
Sorrowing Church, "Gementis Ecclesiæ Causam Exposcite." Listen
attentively, 23 years before 1789 (year of the French Revolution) the
Church was in tears, due to the threats held out by Freemasonry; who can
vouch for the assumption that 23 years remain to us before the
Judeo-Masonry of the 20th century will add to the tears being shed by
the Church -- blood tears similar to those shed during 1793? But this
time it will not be in France only, but throughout the whole world. Is
this not the time to speak again of the Sorrowing Church?
PAPA PÍO VI (1795-1799)
During the last quarter of this 18th century during
which Masonry had spent 72 years to prepare for 1789 and the bloodshed
which was to last many years, Peter's Seat had been occupied by Pius VI,
who was destined to die in exile. His first Encyclical of December 25,
1775, is the acknowledgment of the tears he has shed, "Nostrarum Vim Lacrymarum Exquirit," those tears caused by the so-called philosophers, fanatical enemies of the Church, professors of lies. "Magistros Mendacissimos,"
leaders of sects of perdition who, with their erroneous beliefs,
penetrate into the seats of the Academies, in the houses of the
notables, in the Courts of Kings, and what is still more horrible, even
penetrate in the Lord's Sanctuary, "Etiam in sanctuarium insinuant."
Alas! Those "Sects of Perdition" at the hour of the
Revolution dragged along too many members of the regular and secular
Clergy whose names appear on the lists of Masonic lodges: "Corruptio optimi pessima." What of the situation today?
Pope Pius VII (1800-1823)
Let us now enter into the 19th century. The wars of the
French Revolution and of the Empire spread and favored the creation of
Masonic lodges (mostly Military lodges ) and the rapid European
expansion of Masonic subversive ideas.
Pope Pius VII became one of its glorious victims. It
was therefore, in full knowledge of the subject, that on September,
1821, in his Encyclical "Ecclesiam a Jesu-Cristo the Pope applied
to the Carbonari the following text: "They come under the guise of
sheep although they are, in truth, none but ravening wolves." Thus, the
Pope reiterated against the Freemasons the condemnations pronounced by
Clement XII and Benedict XIV because they propagandize "religious
indifference which is, of all, the most pernicious"; They also grant to
everyone full liberty to inaugurate for himself his own religion
according to his ideas and inclinations; to also profane and sully Our
Savior's Passion in some of their odious ceremonies; to hold in contempt
the Sacraments of the Church to which in a horrible sacrilegious manner
they substitute sacraments of their own invention and they treat with
derision the Mysteries of the Catholic Religion. Lastly, urged by a
particular hatred toward the Apostolic See, because of its supremacy,
Freemasons form conspiracies of the darkest and most sinister kind, in
order to overthrow it.
To what does Pope Pius VII refer when he makes use of
the words "they hold in contempt the Sacraments of the Church"; if not
to the Masonic 180 degree of the Rose Croix, which is an odious parody
of the Sacrament of the Eucharist? What is it that the Pontiff
stigmatises when he alludes to the substitution of Masonic sacraments to
those of the Church and its ensuing horrible sacrileges if not to the
"black mass" and the theft of consecrated hosts which Masons of the
highest grades carry on their person as "Sacred Deposit" during the
ceremony which precedes the orgy in the course of which they will
profane It in the lowest, voluptuous ignominy?
Why should we thus administer such blows to this "Anti
Papism"? It is because it is the unbroken chain of Freemasonry and
because the Pope is, on earth, the representative of Jesus Christ whose
Cross is trampled upon by Masons, and because in the course of their
rites, at the 300 initiation grade, they throw upside down the Pope's
tiara and figuratively pierce his heart. Such things occur at the
initiation of the degree of Knight Kadosh. Pope Pius VII was well
Pope Leo XII 1823-1829
Soon after his election as Pope on March 13, 1825, Leo XII published his Encyclical "Quo Graviora"
condemning the Society called Freemasonry, as well as all other Secret
Societies. In this Encyclical he first of all, republished the
Constitutions of Popes Clement XII, Benedict XIV and Pius VII. Their
appeal had remained fruitless as far as the various governments were
concerned and Pope Leo XII wrote:
"We have endeavored to discover the state, number and
influence of secret societies and We easily have been able to
acknowledge that, if only due to the number of new sects which have
joined them, their audacity has increased. The Sect known under the name
of "L'universitaire" has especially drawn Our attention: It has
established a center in several Universities where young men, instead of
receiving the correct teaching are perverted by a few teachers who are
initiates of certain Mysteries which might be called Mysteries of
Iniquity and are trained to commit crimes."
Let us note that Pope Leo XII was afraid of the masonic
penetration in public school teaching and seemed to foresee the
devastation that the "One School" would rapidly inflict upon both the
Church and society at large.
Leo XII, in summing up the harm caused by clandestine sects, so evident in works written by their members, wrote:
"They have dared publish works on Religion and Affairs
of State, they have exposed their contempt for authority, their hatred
of Sovereignty, their attacks against the Divinity of Jesus Christ and
the very existence of God: They openly vaunt their materialism as well
as their codes and statutes which explain their plans and efforts in
order to overthrow the legitimate Heads of State and completely destroy
the Church.
"What is definitely ascertained is that those different
sects, despite the diversity of their names, are all united and linked
by the similarity of their infamous plans."
Thus speaking, Pope Leo XII, considered he was
accomplishing his duty as Supreme Pontiff and he wrote further, this
page, which thoroughly throws light on our actual situation:
"Let us use the words of our predecessor, Pope Clement
XIII, in his Encyclical Letter of September 14, 1758, addressed to all
Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops and Bishops of the Catholic Church, in
which he said:
'I entreat you to become penetrated of the Strength of
the Spirit of God, His Intelligence and His Virtue, in order to escape
being likened to the mute dogs who, unable to bark, leave Our flocks
exposed to the voracity of beasts roaming the fields. Let nothing stop
Us, in the fulfillment of Our duty which enjoins Us to suffer all kinds
of combats for the Glory of God and the salvation of souls. Let Us
constantly keep before Our eyes the picture of HIM who, during HIS
lifetime, was also exposed to the opposition of sinners. If we allow
ourselves to be shaken by the audacity of evildoers it will be the end
of eposcopal strength, the end also of the sublime and divine authority
of the Church: moreover, let us abandon even the thought of being
Christians if we have reached the point of trembling before the threats
or the traps laid for us by perverts'."
Leo XII ends this magnificent Encyclical anathematizing Freemasons and writing:
"Those men are like those to whom, according to Saint
John, the Apostle, hospitality and greetings should be denied. (Second
Epistle of St. John, V. 10). They are the same men whom our Fathers,
without hesitation, termed the first-born of the devil."
Pope Pius VIII 1829-1830
Successor of Leo XII, Pope Pius VIII, in his Encyclical "Traditi",
published at the time of his advent on May 21, 1829 renewed all the
condemnations of his predecessors, repeating as I showed above, that all
Masonic Sects are issued from the "Well of Perdition." It was under his
short reign as Pontiff that a new Lodge of "Alta Vendita" was
discovered in Rome, having been formed in 1828 and headed by Joseph
Picilli as Grand Master. Following Leo XII, Pius VIII most particularly
mentions the Sect called "Unitsersitaire," saying:
"Its aim is to corrupt youth in schools."
and he applies to Masons those words of Saint Leo the Great:
"Their law is untruth: their god is the devil and their cult is turpitude."
Pope Gregory XVI 1831-1846
On August 15, 1832, Gregory XVI, addressing all the Episcopal Hierarchy of the Catholic world, in his Encyclical: "Mirari Vos" wrote:
"Truly indeed we can say that this is the hour granted to the power of darkness to grind the elect as wheat."
"Evil comes out of Secret Societies, bottomless abyss
of misery, which those conspiring societies have dug and in which
heresies and sects have, as may be said, vomited as in a privy all they
hold of licentiousness, sacrilege and blasphemy.
Just 18 days before his death, on may 13, 1846, Pope
Gregory XVI put in the hands of Cretineau Joly, the documents of the
Italian Alta Vendita which this author published in 1858 in his book: "L'Eglise Romaine en face de la Revolution"
( the Roman Church facing the Revolution). It would indeed be of the
highest kind of interest to have a faithful and complete copy of those
manuscripts which are, doubtless, in the Vatican.
Pope Pius IX 1848-1878
Let us proceed further. The chief work of Judeo-Masonry
planned by Cavour, Mazzini and Garibaldi was reaching its goal under
the Pontificate of Pope Pius IX, with the downfall of Papal temporal
power. According to the theories of those sectarians of Masonry, such a
loss was sure to entail also that of spiritual power; accordingly the
new Pope fixed the responsibility for the conspiracy upon the Secret
Societies when, in the Encyclical following his advent, he wrote on
November 9, 1846:
"Venerable Brethren, you also are fully aware of the
monstrous errors and devices employed by the children of this century to
pursue a merciless war against the Catholic Religion, the Divine
Authority of the Church and its laws in order to trample upon the rights
of both the Ecclesiastical and Civil power: such is the aim of the
guilty machinations against Saint Peter's Roman See, upon which Christ
established the inexpugnable foundation of His Church. Such is the aim
of those Secret Societies issuing from darkness for the eventual ruin of
Religion and States, and which, on several occasions, have already been
anathemized by preceding Roman Pontiffs in their Apostolical Letters.
We confirm the importance of such Letters and wish them to be followed
with great care."
Moreover, from Gaete, the place of his exile, in his allocution: "Quibus Quantisque" addressed to the Consistory of April, 1849, Pope Pius IX renewed the identical condemnation in the following terms:
"Those abominable sects of perdition which are as
fatally destructive of the salvation of souls as of the welfare and
peace of secular society have been condemned by Roman Pontiffs, Our
predecessors; We have also personally condemned them Ourselves in Our
Encyclical Letter of November 9, 1846, addressed to all the Bishops of
the Catholic Church, yet today in virtue of Our Supreme Catholic
Authority - We, once again, condemn, forbid and anathematize them."
The Constitution against Freemasonry and the Secret
Societies of which Pope Pius IX speaks are those of Popes Clement XII,
Benedict XIV, Leo XII and Pius VIII; he adds his own of November 9, 1846
(Qui Pluribus) in his letter to Monseigneur Darboy, October 26,
1865, concerning the funeral service of Marshall Magnan, Supreme Master
of the Order of Freemasons; he adds also, his communication to the
Bishop of Olinda (Brazil) of May 29, 1873.
The renewed sentences of anathema by Pope Pius IX
strike most particularly the satanism of secret societies. In his
Encyclical of November 2l, 1873, the Pope writes of them as the
synagogue of satan, and addressing its members he had already castigated
them (Consistory of December 9, 1854) using to this effect, the words
of Christ:
"You are of your father the devil and the works of your father you will do."
What are those works? Satan is a liar and a murderer
from the beginning of the world, Our Lord tells us. Pope Pius IX
denounced the great lie of the so-called White Freemasonry, in his
Allocution of September 15, 1865 "Multiplices inter" when he says:
"And now, in order to satisfy the desire and solicitude
of Our Fatherly Heart, there remains for US only to warn and exhort the
Faithful who might have associated themselves to Sects of this kind to
obey wiser inspirations and to leave those evil assemblies so as to
avoid being dragged in the abyss of eternal ruin.
"As to all the other faithful, being full of solicitude
for their souls, WE strongly exhort them to beware of the perfidious
discourses of sectarians who, under a disguise of honesty, are inflamed
by an ardent hatred of the Religion of Christ and of all legitimate
authority: they have but one thought with the sole aim of exterminating,
all Divine and human rights. Let them all be fully conscious of the
fact that the affiliates of such sects are as the wolves who, as Our
Lord predicted, come disguised with sheeps hide to devour the whole
flock: Let the faithful know that such affiliates must be numbered among
those with whom the Apostle forbade us to associate, telling us also to
even avoid greeting them."
Pope Pius IX equally denounced the satanic homicide of
Red Masonry in a letter to the Bishop of Olinda (Brazil) in the
following words:
"The Satanic spirit of the Sect was particularly
evidenced, in the past century, during the course of the Revolutions of
France which shook the entire world. Such upheavals proved that the
total dissolution of human society could be expected unless the forces
of this ultra criminal Sect were crushed."
That letter was dated May 29, 1873; the latest Masonic
and Satanic Revolution at that time was that which in Italy had resulted
in making Pope Pius IX "the prisoner of the Vatican." It seems as
though the Holy Pontiff was foreseeing such an issue when he uttered his
complaint concerning the dual failure of the previous Pontifical
condemnations of Masonry. (September 15, 1865).
First he referred to the failure of the anti-Masonic endeavor thus:
the Apostolic See's efforts have not been crowned with the success that
might have been expected. The Masonic Sect of which we speak has been
neither defeated nor overthrown: just the reverse, the Sect has
developed to such an extent that, in these days of great difficulty, it
shows itself everywhere and with impunity and raises a more audacious
Secondly, the Pope outlined the failure of the Catholic side, thus:
Brethren, We feel deep sorrow and bitterness, when We see that when,
according to the Constitutions of Our Predecessors, action is necessary
to condemn this Masonic Sect, many of those whose functions and
sacerdotal duty should make them ultra vigilant and ardent over such an
important cause have, alas! shown themselves indifferent and as though
asleep. If some among them believe that the Apsotolic Constitutions,
published under sentence of anathema against the Occult Sects and their
adepts and initiates carry no strength in those countries where civil
authorities tolerate them, they are most assuredly laboring under a
serious mistake."
"As you well know, Venerable Brethren, We have
prohibited and We again today prohibit and condemn this false evil
doctrine. In fact let Us ask whether the Sovereign power 'To feed and
lead the universal flock' which was vested in Saint Peter by Jesus and
through which the Roman Pontiffs received the Supreme Authority that
they must exercise in the Church depends from civil power -- can such
civil power constrain and restrain them in anything whatever? Due to
those circumstances and fearing that injudicious people and above all,
youth, might be led astray, and in order that silence on Our part might
induce anyone to lend protection to error, We have resolved, Venerable
Brethren, to raise Our Apostolic Voice -- therefore, We hereby confirm
before you the Constitutions of Our Predecessors and in virtue of Our
Apostolic Authority We hold up to reprobation and We condemn this
Masonic Society and all other societies of the same order which,
although different in appearance, but pursuing the same aim against the
Church or legitimate Civil Power are constantly being formed. It is Our
order that all Christians of any standing whatsoever, of any rank or
high appointment and over all the earth should be informed that the said
Societies are forbidden and reproved by US, and incur the same
sentences and condemnations as those that are specified in the former
constitutions of our predecessors."
Among the reproved societies must be included such Leagues as: the League of Human Rights (Ligue des Droits de L'homme) and the League for Education (Ligue de l'Enseistnement ) .
Pope Leo XIII 1878-1903
Pope Leo XIII, successor of Pius IX, upon instructions
from the Holy Office, dealt, first of all, with the Brazilian Masonic
question on July 2nd, 1878. Then later, addressing the whole Church, on
April 20, 1884, Pope Leo XIII published his magnificent Encyclical "Humanum Genus."
Taking up once again Saint Augustine's pages concerning the two cities
which, on earth, constitute the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan,
the Pontiff reviews the considerable development which Freemasonry has
taken and writes:
"Today evil doers all seem allied in a tremendous
effort inspired by and with the help of a society powerfully organized
and widely spread over the world, it is the Society of Freemasons. In
fact those people no longer even try to dissimulate their intentions,
but they actually challenge each other's audacity in order to assail
God's August Majesty.
"It is now publicly and overtly that they undertake to
ruin the Holy Church, so as to succeed, if it is possible, in the
complete dispossession of Christian nations of all the gifts they owe to
Our Savior Jesus Christ.
"As a result, in the space of a century and a half, the
sect of the Freemasons has made incredible progress. Making use at the
same time of audacity and cunning, Masonry has invaded all the ranks of
social hierarchy, and in the modern States it has begun to seize a power
which is almost equivalent to Sovereignty.
In order to strengthen those enlightened observations, Leo XIII refers to his predecessors and writes:
"This peril was denounced for the first time by Pope
Clement XII in 1738, and the Constitution promulgated by that Pope was
renewed and confirmed by Benedict XIV; Pius VII followed in the
footsteps of those Pontiffs, and Pope Leo XII including in his
Apostolical Constitution 'Quo Graviora' all the deeds and decrees
of the preceding Popes on that subject, ratified and confirmed them for
ever. Popes Pius VIII, Gregory XVI and on several occasions Pope Pius
IX spoke in the same manner."
Whereas he approved and confirmed all the Pontifical
condemnations issued against Freemasonry from those of Clement XII in
1738, Leo XIII moreover more amply exposed the reason for such actions
and gives as his motive for acting thus:
"It is because of the fundamental aim and spirit of the
Masonic sect which has been exposed in full light through the evident
manifestation of its deeds, the acquired knowledge of its principles,
its rules, its rites and its commentaries to which have been added the
testimonies of its own adepts . . .
"It is exceedingly important to bring to the notice of
all peoples to what extent events confirmed the wisdom of our
predecessors. Their foresight and paternal soticitude did not always
attain the desired success. This failure must be ascribed on the one
hand either to the dissimulation and cunning of men members of this
pernicious sect or, on the other hand, to the imprudent lightness of
character of those who should, however, have been highly interested in
watching it attentively"
Leo XIII refers frequently to the hypocrisy which is
the basis of "White Freemasonry" and mentions the fatal evolution of its
revolutionary aims which turns it into "Red Masonry."
Upon being attentively studied this Encyclical most strikingly reveals the triple Masonic character, namely that its aims are:
- Counter-Morality
- Counter-State
- Counter-Church
1. Counter Morality
The Pope defines the Masonic point of view on morality thus:
"The only thing which has found grace before the
members of the Masonic sect and in which they request that youth should
receive the proper teaching is what they call 'Civic Morality',
independent morality, free morality, in other words a morality in which
religious beliefs find no room. This morality is insufficient and its
effects are its own condemnation.
"Furthermore there have been found in Freemasonry
several sectarians who have maintained that all means are to be
systematically used, in order, to saturate the multitudes with
licentiousness and vices; because in their opinion peoples would
naturally fall into their hands and become the instruments needed for
the accomplishment of their most audacious evil projects. Such
counter-morality is that of civil marriage, of divorce, of free love and
of irreligious education for youth.
"It aims at the complete destruction of the main
foundations of justice and honesty. In this way Freemasons make
themselves the auxiliaries of those who wish that, like an animal, man
had no other rule of conduct than his own desires -- Such a scheme can
only dishonor human kind and ignominiously cast him into perdition."
2. Counter State
On this subject Pope Leo XIII foresaw that Freemasonry,
"the power which is almost equivalent to sovereignty," and which
already occupied the place of "State within the State," would soon form
the Super State. It is from such a situation that there was issued the
Masonic dogma of separation of Church and State; thence, issued also the
anti-religious laws which Brother Bethmont, member of Parliament of the
department of Charente Inf'erieure and former President of the Cour Des
Comptes, in 1878 was explaining to Monseigneur Pie, Bishop of Poitiers.
The prelate then said to him: "Sir, I believe you want to inaugurate
anew the fight against the Church; have you any hope of succeeding
there, where Nero, Julian the Apostate and your great ancestors of the
1793 French Revolution failed? -- He replied:
"Your Eminence, at the risk of seeming too bold, I will
say that those ,you have mentioned did not quite know how to act. We
shall do much better. Violence against the Church leads nowhere, we
shall use other means. We shall organize a persecution which shall be
both clever and legal; we shall surround the Church with a network of
laws, decrees and ordinances which will stifle it without shedding one
drop of blood."
Who, may I ask, is making those closely woven nets of
laws, decrees and ordinances? The State, of course, but it is a Masonic
State, an irreligious State under the power of a Super State which at
the present moment is the Ruler of the World.
When Leo XIII adjures his Venerable Brethren to unite
their zeal to his own efforts in order, "to annihilate the impure
contagion of the poison which flows in the veins of human society and
causes a state of total infection," it is with a feeling of fear that
one brings to mind the death sentence pronounced against humanity in the
"Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
"When we introduced into the State organism the poison
of Liberalism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States
have been seized with a mortal illness -- bloodpoisoning. All that
remains is to await the end of their death agony."
Thus, while States are gravitating toward a Universal
Republic, the Super-State becomes an infrangible dictature, which
according to its will grinds them down or else thoroughly infects them;
that Super State is called Judeo-Masonry.
3. Counter Church
Hence the supreme aim of the Sect, as it has been
pointed out by the Popes, is none other than the complete destruction of
the Church and the Papacy. Pope Leo XIII persistently underscores this
rigorous consequence and says:
"Since the proper and very special mission of the
Catholic Church consists in the safeguarding of the incorruptible purity
of the doctrines revealed by God, as well as that of established
authority for their teaching and other God given help for the salvation
of mankind; it is inevitable that the major antagonism and most violent
attacks of the Sect should be directed against the Church . . .
Therefore, even at the cost of a lengthy and opinionated labor the
Sect's purpose is to reduce to naught the teaching, and authority of the
Church among the civilian population. . .
"The enmity of the sectarians against the Apostolic See
of the Roman Pontiff has increased its intensity . . . until now the
evil doers have reached the aim which had, for a long time that of their
evil designs, namely, their proclamation that the moment has come to
suppress the Roman Pontiff's sacred power and to completely destroy this
Papacy which was divinely instituted."
Lastly, Leo XIII concludes in unmasking the Satanism of Judeo-Masonry:
"The facts which we have reviewed throw sufficient
light upon inner constitution of Freemasons and show clearly the road
they are following in order to reach their goal. Their chief dogmas are
so completely and manifestly opposed to sane reason that it is
difficult to imagine deeper perversion. In reality is it not the peak of
madness and of the most audacious impiety to be so presumptuous as to
want to destroy the religion and the Church created by God Himself: and
assured of His perpetual protection; and after 18 centuries to want to
replace it with the customs and institutions of pagans?
"Still no less horrible nor easy to bear to witness the
repudiation of those gifts which, in His mercy, Jesus Christ bestowed
first on individuals, then to human beings grouped both in families and
in nations. Even the enemies of Christianism acknowledge the supreme
value of those gifts.
"There is no denying that in this foolish and criminal
plan it is easy to understand the implacable hatred and passion for
revenge which animate Satan toward Jesus Christ. We refuse to follow the
dictates of such iniquitous masters that bear the names of Satan and of
all evil passions."
Pope Pius X 1903-1914
Pope Pius X, successor of Pope Leo XIII, gave his
greater attention to Sillonisme and to Modernism, but, nevertheless he
did not forget the destructive work of Freemasonry. He requested the
Polish people to abstain from joining any conspiracy schemed by the
malevolent Sects.
Later he extended words of consolation to the faithful of France in the following words:
"And now it is to you, Catholics of France, that We
speak; may Our words reach you as a testimony of the tender feeling of
Our love for your country and as a consolation in the midst of the
terrible calamities through which you must pass. You are well aware of
the self-assigned aim of the impious sectarians who hare subjugated you
under their yoke. With cynic audacity they themselves proclaimed their
aim which was 'Uproot Catholicism in France.' They want to extirpate
from your hearts, namely its last root, the Faith which covered your
ancestors with glory; the Faith which brought prosperity and greatness
to your Fatherland amidst all other nations; the Faith which will be
your support in the hours of your tribulation, which maintains calm and
peace in your homes and opens for you the way toward eternal happiness.
It is this Faith which you yourselves feel has to be defended."
Lastly, Pius X loudly affirms that as he has lifted his voice:
"It is not the Church who first raised the standard, she did so only because war had been declared against her.
"For the last 25 years she has only had to bear the
struggle. Such is the Truth. Declarations, a thousand times published
and republished in the Press, in congresses, in Masonic conventions, in
the very halls of Parliament, are proof in themselves that attacks
against the Church have been led progressively and systematically. Such
facts cannot be denied and against them mere words cannot prevail . . ."
(From letter of Pope Pius X to France, January 6, 1907.)
Fundamentally just as did his predecessors, Pius X
denounces the maneuvers of the Counter-Church, moreover in his Letter of
condemnation of the SILLON, he deliberately designates the Masonic
lodges in the following terms:
"We all but too well know the dens of darkness wherein
those pernicious doctrines are elaborated . . . Clear minds should not
be seduced by them." (From letter of Pius X to the French Episcopate
August 25, 1910.)
Pope Benedict XV 1914-1922
War, Armistice, Peace, all took place under the
Pontificate of Benedict XV. In connection with our own viewpoint on
Judeo-Masonry, we must point out the Papal condemnation of Ludovic
Keller's book: "Le Basi Spirituali Della Massone-Ria E La Vita Publica"
(The spiritual foundations of Masonry and the life of the people)
published in 1915. That book was condemned on June 15, 1916. Moreover,
the letter from the Holy Office of the Vatican to the Ordinaries called
upon their vigilant attention because of special new machinations being
directed against the Faith by anti-Catholic associations. The
association particularly indicated is the Y.M.C.A. (Young Men's
Christian Association) which on many occasions has been singled out as
being fundamentally Masonic in the "Revue Internationale Des Societes Secretes."
The letter from the Holy Office of November 5, 1920 particularly
mentions that according to its declaration of principles, the Y.M.C.A.
"Intends to purify and spread a more perfect knowledge of real life
placing itself above all churches and outside and religious
jurisdiction." Such anticlerical transcendentalism is none other than
the manifestation of Judeo-Masonry.
Furthermore, on the inside cover of our Revue Internationale Des Societes Secretes
are reproduced the two letters addressed to me by the Holy See, which
are an affirmation of the viewpoint which Pope Benedict XV held on
Masonry, the same viewpoint carrying the same condemnations already
pronounced by his predecessors since Pope Clement XII.
The two letters from the Vatican are herewith reproduced.
1. From Pope Benedict XV to Monseigneur Jouin:
"Beloved Son-Greetings and Apostolic Blessing. The eminent virtues which, in the course of your long sacerdotal career, you have shown with such resplendent light added to the high consideration in which you are held by Our Venerable Brother, Jauvier Granito di Belmonte, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, Bishop of Albano, as also by the Cardinal Archbishop of Paris, have prompted Our decision to honor you with a great homage."We do know that you fulfill the obligations of your sacred ministry in the most exemplary manner; that you have the most ardent solicitude for the eternal salvation of the faithful and that with constancy and courage you have upheld the rights of the Catholic Church -- and have done so even at the peril of your own life. You have worked against the enemies of religion and We know that you spare neither work nor expenses to spread among the people your great works on those questions . . ."
2. From His Eminence Cardinal Gasparri (State Secretary of His Holiness) to Monseigneur Jouin on June 20, 1919.
"The Sovereign Pontiff with his paternal benevolence has accepted the homage of your new study on 'La guerre Maconnique' (The Masonic War)."It is with unerring judgment that in the work which you have undertaken, you have endeavored to project light, by means of documentation and irrefutable proofs, upon the inept and essentially anti-Catholic doctrine of Freemasonry, a doctrine issued from deism born of the Reformation, a doctrine which, as it is today clearly evident, leads fatally to the very denial of God, to social atheism, to irreligious teaching and impiety and is greatly detrimental to nations; it aims at removing from every association every trace of religion and every church mediation."Above all, in spite of all lies which oftentimes deceive the Catholics themselves, you have carefully and most particularly clearly shown the identity of Freemasonry evident everywhere and always, and the continuity of the plans set by the Sects and whose master design is the destruction of the Catholic Church."His Holiness takes pleasure in congratulating you and encouraging your work whose influence can, indeed, be so fruitful. It can induce the faithful to be vigilant and help them to fight efficaciously against everything tending to the destruction of the social order as well as of religion."As evidence of the celestial gifts bestowed upon you and as a testimony of his paternal benevolence, the Holy Father, from his heart bestows upon you the Apostolic Blessing."Thanking, you also for the copy of your book which you graciously sent me, and with my personal congratulations, I pray you to believe, Monseigneur, in the assurance of my complete devotion.
Pope Pius XI 1922
For the first time the word "Laicism" (which means
irreligious teaching) is to be found in a Pontifical document; it is the
fatal and sought for result of both the Masonic doctrine and its direct
action. This fact allows me to add to the list of all the Sovereign
Pontiffs who denounced and condemned Judeo-Masonry; the name of our
present Pope, Pius XI, in his Encyclical "Maximam grasissimamque" of July 18, 1924, the Pope most clearly has lifted his voice against "Laicism" (irreligious teaching) in the following terms:
"Whatetier Pius X did condemn, We likewise condemn it. Every time that the word 'Laicite'
(irreligious teaching) is used to convey a feeling or an intention
contrary or foreign to God or religion, We condemn it. We fully reprove
this 'Laicism' and We openly declare that it must be reproved."
In my own case, during the private audience which on
November 16, 1923, he granted me, His Holiness, Pius XI, asked me to
continue my fight against Freemasonry because, said he:
"Masonry is our mortal enemy."
Later, as I was recollecting the kind words addressed to me by Pope Benedict XV in the decree "Proestantes":
"With constancy and courage you have upheld the rights
of the Catholic Church and have done so even at the peril of your life."
and adding that so far I had not yet become the victim of Freemasons,
His Holiness replied in a paternal manner:
"Did not Saint Augustine, who is the patron of your
parish in Paris, speak of the martyrs of the pen? (The Parish of which
Monseigneur Jouin was head for many years and until his death was called
Saint Augustine.)
Such a denunciation of "Laicism" as well as the
encouragement given me to continue the fight against Masonry confirm the
Pontifical condemnations pronounced since Pope Clement XII; it also
follows the inspired words of Pope Leo XIII:
"In the realm of spiritual salvation, there is no
middle way: one either follows the road to perdition or else fights
without limit to the very end."
Therefore, our conclusion is contained in just two
words: unity of purpose and viewpoint and unity of action shown by the
Sovereign Pontiffs in regard to Freemasonry. Fifteen years after the
publication of the Constitutions of Anderson in 1723, there appeared the constitution "In Eminenti"
of Pope Clement XII April 28, 1738. Is there in the history of the
Church a heresy which met with such a swift condemnation? Another fact
equally remarkable is that all the Popes based their ulterior
condemnations on this Pontifical act of Clement XII showing clearly that
there was but one Voice, but one cry of disapproval when it came to
pronounce the anathema against Secret Societies and striking their
members with the most rigorous censure which the Church can apply.
Even though incomplete, here follows a list of documents as proof of the above:
- Clement XII: In Eminenti -- April 28, 1738
- Benedict XIV: Providas -- March 16, 1751
- Clement XIII: A. Quodie -- Sept. 14, 1758
- Clement XIII: Ut Primum -- Sept. 3, 1759
- Clement XIII: Christianae Reipublicae Salus -- Nov. 25, 1766
- Pius VI: Inscrutabile -- Dec. 25, 1775
- Pius VII: Ecclesiam a Jesu Christo -- Sept. 14, 1820
- Leo XII: Quo Graviora -- March 13, 1826
- Pius VII: Traditi -- May 21, 1829
- Gregory XVI: Mirari Vos -- Aug. 15, 1832
- Pius IX: Qui Pluribus -- Nov 9, 1846
- Pius IX: Omnibus Quantisque -- April 20, 1849
- Pius IX: Multiplices Inter -- Sept 25, 1865
- Leo XIII: Humanum Genus -- April 20, 1884
- Leo XIII: Letter to Italian Episcopate -- Dec. 8, 1892
- Leo XIII: Letter to the Italian People -- Dec. 8, 1892
- Pius X: Vehementer -- Feb 11, 1906
- Pius X: Letter to France -- Jan 6, 1907
Add to this the condemnation of the Y.M.C.A. by the
Holy Office, Nov. 5, 1920 and also the decree through which I was made a
Prelate, signed by Pope Benedict XV, followed by the Letter of Cardinal
Gasparri, praising my book: Guerre Maconnique (Masonic War).
Then again remember the Encyclical of His Holiness Pius XI against
irreligious teaching in schools and his encouragement to me to continue
my anti-Judeo-Masonic fight, and you will thus have before you a chain
whose links are inseparably united.
It is this unity of viewpoints which demonstrates that
the Papacy has but one voice and is the judiciary power of those
Societies which actually form the whole of Judeo-Masonry.
As to the unity of action of the Popes, it is also
worthy of attention. Ever since 1738 all the Sovereign Pontiffs have
denounced, stigmatized and condemned the great harlot of the 20th
century, that "Well of Perdition," "Bottomless Abyss of Misery which was
dug by those conspiring Societies in which the Heresies and Sects have,
it may be said, vomited as in a privy, everything they held in their
insides of Sacrilige and Blasphemy." (Leo XIII.)
Ever since 1738 all the Sovereign Pontiffs denounced,
stigmatized and condemned the enemy of the State which, according to
Pope Leo XIII, already during the past century, possessed a power almost
equivalent to "Sovereignty" and which, toady, calls itself the
Ever since 1738 all the Sovereign Pontiffs denounced,
stigmatized and condemned the enemy of the Church, the Counter-Church,
whose proclaimed aim is to:
"Decatholicize the world"
It seeks to rebuild on the ashes of the Christian
civilization the pagan barbarism, and to build on the ruins of the
Papacy the world domination of Israel; furthermore, as a sign of its
victory, it wants to erect over the overthrown throne of Jesus Christ
the very throne of Satan.
Ever since 1738 all the Sovereign Pontiffs denounced,
stigmatized and condemned what has hitherto become the world evolution
of Judeo-Masonry which, now, on earth, admits that it has but one
adversary, namely, the Catholic Church, whose agony it is now
However, the Popes equally deplore the indifference of
those Catholics who fail to see Their silent tears and fail to heed
Their heart-rending appeals; they constitute a race of people
indifferent and asleep, a string of Mute Hounds, afraid, of whom Pope
Clement XIII, said:
"If We allow ourselves to be shaken by the audacity of
evil-doers, then the Episcopal strength is come to an end; the sublime
and divine authority of the Church no longer exists; it is then useless
to look upon ourselves as Christians if we have sunk so low as to
tremble before the threats of the snares of the evil-doers."
Being anxious to be neither indifferent nor asleep, nor
again a Mute Hound in the Church Militant, but to be on the contrary,
even though from afar, linked to the dogs of the Lord, the "Dominicani"
of whom in the 13th century spoke Jeanne d'Aza, mother of Saint
Dominique, at the time of the Church struggle against the Albigenses; in
order also not to be counted among the cowards who flee from the
battlefield and whom, when in 1870 the Germans invaded France Saint
Bernadette said: "I fear only the bad Christians" for such reasons I
founded the "Revue Internationale Des Societes Secretes." I,
today also want to thank all the companions who in this struggle, both
in work and in prayer have allied themselves with my humble but
persevering efforts.
Yes! let us of the league of St. Michael remain united
in prayer for the conversion of Masons and Jews. Let us be united in our
efforts to respond to the concordant voice of the Sovereign Pontiffs,
in order to destroy, inasmuch as lies in our possibilities, the
Judeo-Masonic Sect. When will this be? In God's own hour which seems to
be very close. What can be done against this world power? Everything!
In the strength of Him who bears on His shoulder the
invincible sign of His power; we can accomplish everything in the power
of Him who Christianized the world and which, in the end, Judeo-Masonry,
can neither de-Christianize nor re-Paganize -- Yes! we can accomplish
everything in the strength of Him whose Holy Sepulchre or the dome of
Saint Peter in Rome cannot be darkened by the shadows cast by the
Masonic Lodges -- the Kabbalistic mysteries of the Ghettos will not
alter a single iota of the Gospel or of the Credo; the accumulation of
gold in the hands of high finance will ever fail to buy the conscience
of Christ's representative in the Vatican.
Vade Sátana! Get thee behind me Satan with thy legions of rebellious angels, with thy early workers of iniquity the Judeo-Masons!
Christ is near! To-day He comes! Tomorrow He will be here!
Let us therefore say, according to the words of Saint Augustine: Dicámus In Fide, let us say in the full energy of our faith; Dicámus In Spe: let us say in the strength of our hope; Dicámus Flagrantíssima Caritáte: Let us say in the burning fervor of our charity:
If God is with us, who can prevail against us? (Si Deus Pro Nobis, Quis Contra Nos?)
God is with us in this fight, which is our fight, the fight of the Papacy against Judeo-Masonry.
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